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Stay tuned for our upcoming Travel Photo Contest! Submit your favourite travel photos, win great prizes, share your passion for travel!

Cool Women

This is a brand-new section, written for and about women. Here I will provide specific content of interest to women which will include profiles or interviews of intriguing women. These women will of course include travellers and travel experts, but they may also include writers, entrepreneurs or just regular people like you and me who have done some interesting things.

If you would like to contribute a story (travel-related or inspiring in some other way), feel free to contact me at sq@travelandtransitions.com and we can connect to do an interview or to publish your story.

Here is a preliminary list of interviews with cool women:

Sue Kenney: A pilgrim continues her journey
Farzana Hassan: A progressive voice in Canadian Islam
Voices of diversity: Two Toronto women create a Holocaust documentary
Danielle Weiss: Latin America aficionado and expert on sustainable tourism
Susanne Schleyer: A German artist / photographer confronts German history
Danielle Lafond: she mortgaged her condo to start a non-profit community help organization in Peru
Mary Jane Mikuriya: Servas traveller, Champion of Social Justice
Valma Brenton: International Entrepreneur, Professional Sailor, Empowerer of Women
Helga Smith: Servas traveller, Marathon runner, conqueror of Mt. Kilimanjaro
Mony Dojeij and her 5000 km Walk for Peace from Rome to Jerusalem"
Danielle Lafond remortgages her home to found a community development program in Peru
Krista Scott: Australian harvest worker, kayaking intern and ESL teacher in Vietnam
The Adventurers next door: Martina and Jennefer go on a mother-daughter 1400 km biking adventure through Germany
The Explorer next door: my friend Carol, who is an expert on Istanbul
The Adventurer next door: my friend Leslie, who explored Antigua

Karla Darocas: Canadian expatriate in Spain

Ivana Zgretic, former Miss Universe Croatia, now sea-kayaking entrepreneur
Sue Kenney, pilgrim, keynote speaker and spiritual leader
Barbara Winter, bestselling author, creator of "Support Your Wanderlust" seminars
Marta Elena de la Fuentes: Cuernavaca B&B owner, an inspiring "riches to rags" story

Andy Grater: Cuernavaca B&B owner and President of the Newcomers Club talks about culture shock

Presenting: Christina Zeidler - Hotelier, artist and urban visionary
Presenting: Michelle Gebhart – a true Renaissance Woman: From Army Brat to Expert Renovator, Biker Lady, Successful Restaurateur & Dedicated Youth Volunteer
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