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February 17, 2006

Presenting: Elderhostel - Adventure and Learning for People 55+

Learning and exploring is one of the big mottos of this website and learning vacations are one of the best ways of expanding one's mind.

A very well-known organization dedicated to helping people broaden their horizons is Elderhostel, a non-profit organization that offers learning vacations for people 55 years of age and older.

I had a chance to talk with Adam Hurtubise from Elderhostel to get more information about this interesting organization.

1. Please tell us about Elderhostel, what type of organization is it?

Elderhostel is the world’s largest not-for-profit educational travel organization for older adults. Our Elderhostelers are 55 and older, and our newest initiative, Road Scholar, is a not-for-profit educational travel organization for adults of all ages.

2. Who founded Elderhostel? Since when has it been around and how has it grown over the years?

Elderhostel was founded as a not-for-profit organization in 1975 by two collaborators—Marty Knowlton, a world traveling, free spirited, social activist and former educator, and David Bianco, a highly organized university administrator. Over the years, Elderhostel has responded to its rapid growth by developing innovative approaches to lifelong learning.

3. Please give us a general overview of your education programs. What is the concept of these programs, how long are they, what type of activities and accommodation are included?

Our programs all share four unique attributes: educational excellence, comfortable accommodations and delicious meals, extraordinary value, and the warm camaraderie of fellow Elderhostelers. Programs range in length from one day to several weeks and include accommodations, meals, lectures, field trips, excursions, program-related activities and gratuities.

4. Please describe your Traditional Programs to us.

Traditional Programs are based on Elderhostel’s earliest educational adventures and accommodate a range of schedules by varying length—from as few as three, to as many as twelve nights - and include our original three-course format, single-study theme weeks, and double-focus programs. Traditional Programs continue to balance dynamic classroom experiences with enriching hands-on learning opportunities.

5. What are the "Exploring North America" programs?

Exploring North America programs, in the United States and Canada, offer a collection of engaging study themes and on-the-move itineraries. This selection includes programs with different themes including: American Landscapes, American Heritage, Cultural Arts, National Parks, Houses and Gardens, Food and Wine, and Signature Cities.

6. Please talk to us about your International Programs in more than 90 countries. What are they?

Elderhostel offers thousands of international programs each year. Some exciting upcoming programs are taking place in Central and South America, China and Japan , and in the United Kingdom.

7. You also have an "Active Outdoor Program". Please tell us more.

Exploring some of the world's most beautiful and exciting environments, Active Outdoor programs exercise both mind and body. These programs combine the educational depth of Elderhostel's traditional programs with the exhilaration of biking, hiking, canoeing, skiing, sailing, and more.

9. What are the "Service Programs?"

Like all Elderhostel programs, you’ll learn about the region and local culture, and meet extraordinary people. With Service programs, you’ll make a direct, hands-on contribution to projects that positively impact the world around us, and our understanding of our place in that world. While a few programs require certain skills, most do not. Elderhostel provides the training and guidance you need to carry out the tasks at hand. For example, we are offering a Service Learning Program in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity and the University of South Alabama where participants work side-by-side with professional staff to rebuild Gulf Coast homes lost or damaged during Hurricane Katrina.

10. Please tell us about your "Adventures Afloat Programs".

These exciting, educational programs traverse the world's waterways, offering a unique perspective, an invigorating experience, and an incredible travel value. They take place aboard cruise ships and river barges in both popular and hard to reach areas around the world.

11. What are your Intergenerational Programs?

Elderhostel Intergenerational Programs are designed for adults to share an Elderhostel experience with their grandchildren or young relatives. We receive overwhelmingly positive comments about their experiences on these programs. Some of our most popular include programs in Greece, France and Italy, and our Harry Potter-themed programs in the UK continue to have heavy demand.

12. What are the Day of Discovery Programs?

Days of Discovery are community-based one-day programs we offer in collaboration with local institutions to highlight a special exhibit, event, topic. We’ve offered a groundbreaking program throughout the United States, for instance, called “Building Bridges to Islam.” One of our upcoming Days of Discovery is “Blue and Red: Exploring America’s Political Divide.” It’s a brand new program and we’re very excited about it.

13. You also offer some other special programs, such as Snapshots and Weekenders, Train Treks, Holidays & Festivals, National Parks, Creative Workshops etc. Please tell us about these.

Snapshots and Weekenders are three-to-five day adventures, whereas most of our other programs are a bit longer. As with our standard offerings for U.S. programs, short programs and weekenders offer engaging educational content, discussion, activities and hands-on learning.

Train Treks include accommodations and meals both aboard the train and in hotels at designated stops along the route – this varies, depending on the nature of the program.

14. What are some of the comments of people who have gone on one of your learning experiences? How do these experiences change their lives?

We often hear comments from people about what a unique way Elderhostel is to travel and learn, and about the interesting people they meet on the programs One participant says, “Elderhostel’s ‘safety net’ of knowledge and experience has opened doors that otherwise might have, regrettably remained closed. Thank you for making it possible for us to go our into the world and enjoy the learning and adventures waiting there!”

Thank you, Adam, for giving us an overview of Elderhostel's programs and activities. There is obviously lots to explore out there for people 55 and over.

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