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Travel Tips and Info

Check out this section for helpful travel tips, destination information and advice that might be useful for planning your next vacation.

I love to do research on the net, in magazines and books. I subscribe to multiple magazines (many of them travel-related), I constantly buy and borrow books and scan the Internet for interesting information. Here you will find an increasing number of travel-related tips and advice that will help you in working out your travel plans.

At a later point, this section will also feature travel advice from our readers who want to share their own travel knowledge.

"Study abroad - learn Spanish at a foreign language school"
"Mexico Travel Advisory: is Mexico safe?"
"Paris France - the World's No. 1 travel destination: what to do in Paris?"
"Holidays in New York City: 8 practical travel tips for your trip to New York City"
"Cicerones - Buenos Aires' free greeter program"
"Spain and Italy - Small adventure tours through two favourite destinations"
"Brazilian Adventures on an expedition cruise ship and a historic sailing boat"
"Elderhostel: travel and learning opportunities for people 55+"
"Selecting the right travel gear: shoes, clothing, backpacks"
"Expatriation Coaching: Whether or not to relocate to a foreign country - a critical decision"
"Ottawa's ByWard Market - a cool entertainment area with lots to do"
"What to see and do in Ottawa"
"What to see and do in Banff / Lake Louise"
"Living and Retiring Abroad: How about Nova Scotia, Dominica, Panama or Cuba?"
"Living and retiring abroad: How about Nova Scotia, Cuba, Panama or Dominica?"
"What is Sustainable Tourism?"
"Orlando, Florida - Off the beaten path"
"Some helpful hints for disabled travel in Slovakia"
"Some helpful resources for travel photography"
"Travelling with a canine companion"
"6 practical tips for trip preparation for disabled travellers"
"Rights of disabled travellers"
"Disabled travel: A collection of amazing stories of disabled travellers and athletes"
"Travel and work: An Interview with Krista Scott: Harvest work in Australia, teaching English in Vietnam
"Global volunteering with Doctors Without Borders"
"Living and working abroad: How one family moved from the UK to Spain to create an adventure travel company"
"RVing: Another creative, even affordable travel option"
"Big Apple Greeters: How to explore New York City with a local volunteer - free of charge"
"Houseswapping: How a Toronto Couple Spent 2 Years in the Beautiful South of France"
"Houseboating: An Affordable, Unusal Way to Travel and Possibly a Full-Time Lifestyle"
"Unconventional travel: Caretaking for global rent-free living"
"Unconventional travel: SERVAS: Peace and intercultural exchange - Stay and connect with a local host - more than just a low budget way to travel"
"Practical Travel Advice for Green Travel - Free Yourself from Ecological Guilt"
"An interview about "Doors Open" - Toronto's Free Architectural Festival"
"Practical Travel Advice to Croatia - from Local Expert Ivana"
"New York City - Budget Accommodation Guide - Small Hotels"
"New York City - Budget Accommodation Guide - Bed & Breakfasts "
"New York City - Budget Accommodation Guide - Hostels"
“Preparing for Austria”
“Much Needed Relief for Sun-Starved Canadians”
"Slovenia - A Little Gem"
"Toronto - A Pretty Hip Place"
"Toronto - Sights, Culture, Shopping"
"Toronto - Festivals, Parks, Sports & Recreation"
"Booking a Language Study Trip"
"Travel Agent Training Courses"

On a budget? Take a virtual trip to Vegas instead.


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