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April 29, 2006

Presenting: Jorge Torres from the CETLALIC Alternative Language School - Learning Spanish with Social, Political and Cultural Awareness

My stay in Cuernavaca this past April was filled with many experiences: travel experiences; historic, cultural and culinary explorations; new friendships and , most notably, learning experiences. During my second week I spent several days learning Spanish at the CETLALIC Alternative Language School.

I was in a class with 2 other students with very advanced level knowledge and the three of us worked hard to master the intricate details of the Spanish language. It goes without saying that several days were spent on working with the Spanish subjunctive (an old staple for Spanish language learners).

CETLALIC is an alternative language school and its founder, Jorge Torres, and his employees dedicate themselves to social and political activitism to help bring more justice to Mexican society. During our lectures we heard some interesting information about the Zapatista movement and we also discussed social issues, such as the current shortage of water and the unequal distribution of resources, including water, in Mexican communities.

Jorge Torres has a very strong connection to the Mexican workers movement and has been active for several decades to help bring about social change. Many of CETLALIC's students come from non-profit organizations or activist groups and in line with his policy of inclusiveness, CETLALIC also welcomes gay and lesbian students and provides gay and lesbian-friendly accommodations with local families.

Here is Jorge Torres and he will tell us about how his strong commitment to social causes came about. He will give us an overview of his special programs directed to groups such as healthcare workers, ministers, and others and he will give us an overview of his 3x3 work-study program. Jorge will tell us how CETLALIC today contributes to making Mexico a juster society.

The team at Cetlalic with Jorge Torres (2nd from the right)

1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and your personal background. How did you get involved in the field of language teaching?

By accident, I was studying my first year in a college and one of my teacher invited me to attend a course for teaching Spanish for foreigners. I took it and with time I really enjoyed teaching my language and my culture.

I am from the lower class, my father worked for almost 20 years in a textile factory belonging to a US firm, and my mother worked for many years as domestic worker. We don´t use "maid” or servant", this is so offensive.

2. Your father was involved in the Mexican workers' movement. How did that influence you and your view of the world?

Of course it was a tremendous influence, because of the many meetings they had. They were at home and they talked about the terrible situation of exploitation, low payment and other things. I helped my father and his colleagues to distribute flyers in front of the factory, by the door when the workers were leaving.

That helped me to understand about our reality, about our difficult situation. Especially when he and others were fired, and they held a sit-in (like a strike) in front of the factory, because the owners didn´t want to pay the severance pay that they owed to the employees by law.

3. Please tell us a bit about Mexico, its history and its social, cutural and political background.

Oh, this is such an interesting question but, at the same time, I would need a lot of time to explain this. I could just say that in Mexican history the people at the bottom, el pueblo, the real people always have been used by others, those from the elites, in order to benefit a few of them. The poor people always have been at the forefront of the big struggles (like the Independence war in 1810; or the Mexican Revolution in 1910) and they were being killed. But once the change came through, they didn’t receive what the leaders had promised to them.

The poor people always believe in some leaders and many times they expect a solution to their problems (land, food, education, democracy, liberty, support, and so on).

We are a rich culture, we have more than 3, 500 years of history, we have a beautiful country with a lot of natural resources. We are an optimistic and happy culture, we like to laugh, to dance, to sing. BUT the inequality and the oppression from the different governments has been our big problem. And also some US administrations, sometimes, have been trying to keep us in a situation of underdevelopment. It would take so long to explain why.

Moi with my Spanish teacher Mario (including my certificate)

4. How did Cetlalic come into being and how did has it evolved since 1987?

In 1987, we were a committee in solidarity with the people in El Salvador. In Morelos during the 70´s and the beginning of the 80´s, we had a progressive catholic bishop, Don Sergio Mendez Arceo. And for many years the people in this state, Morelos, especially Cuernavaca, were supporting the refugees from Central America. So we were one of the groups for solidarity.

Because we didn´t have money for our activities or for helping more of the refugees, we decided to become a self-sufficient organization. We decided to become a language school, because there were many languages schools in Cuernavaca. And we believed it was going to be easier to bring in foreigners to study Spanish so they would learn about the Latino-American culture and the reality.

We didn´t know how difficult the recruiting was going to be. We didn´t know anything about marketing.

5. Your school is different from other language schools in that it is an "alternative language school" as it also dedicates itself to social and political activitivism. Please tell us more about that.

CETLALIC was founded in 1987 as an alternative school, integrating intensive study of Spanish language with experiential cultural learning and analysis of current issues with grassroots organizations and others who are actively involved in their society.

CETLALIC is small and our staff is able to attend to the needs of each student. Our goal is to promote dialogue between Mexico and the people of other cultures and, in order to reach that goal, we make the experience of every participant our concern. We welcome all students irrespective of nationality, ethnic origin, race, gender, sexual preference, age, etc.

6. Please tell us about your Spanish language classes, your class facilities, your weekly schedule and your teaching faculty.

Our Spanish language program is demanding, but in a friendly atmosphere. Classes are limited to five students. Every morning, there are three hours of intensive language instruction from 9 to12, followed by a "práctica" session from 12 to 2, in which students participate in round table discussions on a variety of national & international topics. CETLALIC is accredited by the Ministry of Public Education (State of Morelos, Mexico).

We offer small, intensive classes at all levels, year-round, as well as several Special Programs every year, each focused on a particular issue or area of interest, which often include travel in the region.

7. You use a unique method to teach Spanish: the Paulo Freire Method. Please give us an overview of this teaching methodology.

Paulo Freire's methodology is applied to the teaching of Spanish as a second language and students are expected to contribute their insights and ask the questions necessary for critical analysis. Our teachers are native speakers with professional training and extensive experience.

8. Many of your students stay in homestays. Please describe this accommodation method and its advantages.

Living with a Mexican family is an integral part of our program. It provides a unique experience to learn about the people, their food and their customs, as well as an incomparable opportunity for students to practice and refine their Spanish language abilities. All our families welcome gay/lesbian students. We are also proud to offer gay or lesbian homestay options in which our gay/lesbian students can feel comfortable.

Our classes were held on this beautiful balcony

9. Please tell us about the excursions and cultural activities that you offer to your students.

Cultural activities are also offered throughout the week and include excursions, visits with native speakers from Mexico and Latin America, videos, and participation in local fiestas and other cultural events. We visit several museums in Mexico City, some archeological sites (like Teotihuacan in State of Mexico, Xochicalco and Teopanzolco in Morelos; we go to colonial towns like Taxco (silver capital in Guerrero State, Mexico), Puebla, and we also take the students to beautiful small towns near by, like Tepoztlan and Tlayacapan.

10. You offer a variety of special programs in your school. Please tell us about your special programs for healthcare workers, educators and ministers.

For present and future healthcare workers looking for better understanding with the Hispanic population and for all interested in health issues and terminology.
This 3-week program is meant for all those who work in healthcare: nurses and family doctors as well as specialists and midwives. You will learn about the healthcare system in Mexico and about the way workers are organized. We will talk about social and cultural issues like health and human rights, health and spirituality, birth control methods, working with contagious illnesses, speaking with Latino patients, talking about domestic violence, the place of elderly or handicapped people in our society among others.

Every week focuses on a special theme: traditional, institutional and alternative healthcare. You can subscribe one, two or three weeks of the program, depending to your needs and interests.
We highly recommend to take the three weeks so you improve your Spanish and have a deep understanding of the healthcare system.

12. Some of your special programs concentrate on social issues, such as the Mexican workers movement, social movements and popular resistance, multicultural and women's issues. Please give us more information about those programs.

Cuernavaca and Chiapas.
In Mexico the multicultural society is a fact. For centuries different peoples have been living in the same country. But do they really live together? During a week-long stay in Cuernavaca and a travel program of another week, we learn about the different groups. We see the influence of the culture of the indigenous peoples on the culture of the mestizos and vice versa throughout history until today, but we learn also how other groups like Germans, Lebanese, Jews, Chinese, Spanish and Afromexicans integrate in Mexican society. We learn to know the cultural heritage of Aztecs, Nahua and other indigenous peoples and current Mexican conditions.

Multicultural Mexico includes:
- 1 week in Cuernavaca
Daily intensive Spanish language instruction with a schedule from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Students are placed in classes at the appropriate skill level with a maximum of five students.
- The afternoon ‘práctica’ from 12:20 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, includes classes focusing on vocabulary of multicultural themes, culture, history and Zapatist movement, reading texts and discussing issues of interest for the theme of the program.
- On Tuesday and Thursday from 12:20 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and on three moments during the week in the afternoon or evening, we visit organizations and invite people to come and tell about their experiences.
- 1 week travelling to Mexico City and Chiapas (San Cristóbal de las Casas and Palenque), visiting places of interest in order to learn about Mexico´s cultural heritage and current realities. We will spend 2 nights in an indigenous village to celebrate the uprising of January 1994.

CETLALIC - a language school with a swimming pool!

For present and future bilingual educators as well as all those who would like to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to better serve Spanish speakers in their classes. A 3 week program that includes intensive Spanish classes and a variety of cultural/educational activities such as weekend excursions, guest speakers, museum visits, roundtable discussions, encounters with local schools k-12+ and community groups, videos, etc.) and a homestay. Participants will increase their knowledge and understanding of Mexican educational system. School visits provide the opportunity to interact with students in Spanish, as well as to discuss subjects of mutual interest with teachers and administrators. Most program activities are in Spanish with English translations when necessary.

Throughout the program there will be Biblical reflections and devotions in Spanish so that students become familiar with the vocabulary related to ministry. Finally the program will culminate with a eucharistic celebration using El Libro de Liturgia y Cántico as the primary worship resource.

First week: The program begins in Mexico City. We explore the context in which we do ministry by seeing how the Mexican reality relates to the Latino immigrant experience in the United States. We will learn about Mexican history that has lead to the current situation as well as the impact of global economics. We will visit with organizations working in solidarity with campesinos, defending immigrant rights and creating alternative economic models for a more just and humane society.

Second week: The program moves to Cuernavaca known as the “city of the eternal spring” because of its favorable climate. It is also the place where the Christian Base Communities were born in Mexico. The CBC's represent a movement of the “grassroots” church gathering in small groups primarily of the poor reflecting on Scripture as a means of organizing for better living conditions and a more equitable society. We begin learning about the history and formation of the CBC's that can serve as a model for ministry within Latino communities in the U.S. We will dialog with priests and lay leaders who are active in the CBC's as well as participate in a CBC meeting.

Third week: We see how the CBC's provide a foundation for organizing in defense of human rights, environmental protection and fair trade practices. We will visit local community projects and hear from leaders active in these movements. We will begin to integrate the training to anticipate how this can be incorporated into our home settings.

Some of the CETLALIC team members, including my teacher Mario (2nd from left)

11. A variety of other special programs at your school focus on lesbians and gays. Please give us more information about these special programs.

I think we are the only language school in Mexico who provide and organize this kind of programs. We have three programs during the year for two and three weeks.

A 3 week program that includes intensive Spanish classes and a variety of cultural/educational activities (such as trips, speakers, discussions, encounters with local groups and artists, videos, etc.) and a gay/lesbian homestay.

Cost (US$ 1, 550) Includes full room (shared) and board in a gay homestay, 3 weeks of intensive Spanish instruction, educational materials, local excursions in Cuernavaca and one weekend in Mexico City to attend the Gay Pride March. Cost does not include round trip air fare to Mexico City. $ 100 deposit due at the time of application, refundable only in the unlikely event that CETLALIC cancels the program. Childcare available at a minimal extra cost.
Some of the activities we had last year were:
Lectures: - History of the Gay Movement in Mexico
- Cultural Differences
- Testimonies or Stories of Mexican Men
- Homosexuality and Spirituality (by the Metropolitan Church Minister in Cuernavaca)
Visits: - Robert Brady Museum in Cuernavaca
- Enoe Uranga (another open lesbian in Congress and who is proposing the Domestic Partnership Law)
- Tito Vasconcelos Drag Show
- Gay Cultural Month in Mexico City Activities
- Gay Pride March in Mexico City
- Gay Bars in Mexico City and Cuernavaca
- Plus socializing a lot with the Cuernavaca community!
Activities for the summer, autumn and winter will be very similar and we will add other upon interest of the participants.

My class (two co-students from Germany, Mario, I)

January 2007
For all women interested in studying Spanish while learning about Mexican culture, politics and economics through the lens of women's experience and struggles for social justice. Study how women from various backgrounds (i.e. indigenous, students, workers) have been affected by neo-liberal model of globalization and the kinds of mobilizations they have initiated or participated in. Establish and strengthen links between women of different countries (whose lives in an increasing globalized world are more interrelated than ever) by sharing our respective struggles for justice and equality.

Talks, videos and visits with women and grassroots projects are scheduled during the afternoon. Themes will be approached "from below" by spending time with activist groups and with an orientation towards social change.
Topics may include:
NAFTA, globalization and "neo-liberalism" in Mexico as well as the independent labor movement and maquiladoras
Zapatismo and the struggles of indigenous women
Feminism, women's health, alternative medicine, sexual and reproductive rights and the lesbian movement in Mexico
Alternative media and a visit to a women's video collective
The 1999/2000 student movement and strike at UNAM (the National Autonomous University of Mexico)
Politics and the recent elections
Liberation Theology and Christian Base Communities
Globalization and the environment

Among other activities we will probably have visits to:
+ CIDHAL Women's Centre in Cuernavaca
Their website is: http://www.laneta.apc.org/cidhal/index.html
+ Frida Kahlo Museum and other places in Mexico City determined by availability and participant interest

For more information about CETLALIC’s special programs visit: http://www.cetlalic.org.mx/special.htm

CETLALIC's library and an interesting mural

13. Please tell us about your innovative 3x3 work-study opportunities.

Some people, some of them social activist or students, don´t have enough money to pay for our courses. We don’t give scholarships, but we help them with our 3x3 exchange program.


CETLALIC works together with grassroots organizations and others who are actively involved in their society, we strive to integrate intensive study of Spanish language with experiential cultural learning and analysis of current social and political issues. Our goal is to promote dialogue between Mexico and the people of other cultures, in order to reach that goal, we make the experience of every participant our concern. We welcome all people regardless of nationality, ethnic origin, race, gender, sexual preference, age, etc.

In this special program, the students pay registration fees, transport to Cuernavaca, room & board (about $US600.month in a private room with a Mexican family or US$400 in an apartment). In this work-study program, volunteers work for 3 hours a day (12:00 to 3:00 pm) while they receive 3 hours of Spanish language instruction in the morning. CETLALIC also assists with securing a tourist visa and accommodation. The program duration is between 5 and 12 weeks. For more information check this web page: http://www.cetlalic.org.mx/3x3.htm

14. Where do your students come from and what kind of experience are they looking for?

the most of them come from the USA, 80 %, 10 % from Canada, both parts, and the other 10% from Europe.

They are looking to learn Spanish, but also to know about Mexico and the people. Our students are really focused on learning and exchanging personal and social experiences. They are looking for a community with respect and tolerance.

Let me thank you, Jorge, for sharing your own personal story and information about your alternative language school. We wish you and your team at CETLALIC and all your students the very best and continued success with your efforts.

Useful Books:


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Hello from Mexico City - First impressions

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Hello from Cuernavaca - My first day learning Spanish and two local icons: the Robert Brady Museum and the Jardín Borda
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Hello from Cuernavaca - Opening of a South African photo exhibition and a visit to the Palacio de Cortés
Hello from Taxco - The city that silver built
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Hello from Cuernavaca - My most intense day: more language studies, 3 interviews, a guided eco-hike and dinner at the Marco Polo
Hello from Cuernavaca - A day outing to the enchanting mythical village of Tepoztlan
Hello from Cuernavaca - My last day of school and a visit to Cuernavaca's Spring Fair
Hello from Taxco - An eerie experience: Visiting Taxco's famous Good Friday procession
Hello from Taxco and Cuernavaca - Interviewing one of the penitentes and enjoying my last day in Mexico

Related Interviews:
Presenting: Ruben Córtes from Morelos Trails - Local adventure sports and cultural guided tour operator, expert on Morelos and Cuernavaca
Presenting: Pablo Buitrón from Fundacion Comunidad, helping local women empower themselves
Presenting: Jorge Torres from the Cetlalic Alternative Language School - Learning Spanish with cultural, social and political awareness
Presenting: Hermilo Brito from the Ideal Language School - Making Spanish learning fun

Helpful links:
Mexico Tourism Information
State of Morelos Tourism Organization
Official website of the City of Cuernavaca tourism

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